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G Is For Gullah   A fun learning book by a fascinating Columbia author, an autographed copy of which will be available to bid on in the silent auction, thanks to All Good Books in Five Points!

Picture  An African connection to S.C. tradition from a Charleston author...

 One Plastic Bag Zoomed Image    A wonderful way to spend an afternoon~~reading, sharing, and doing!

Compost Stew by Mary McKenna Siddals   Absolutely charming in every way!

    Where a banana peel wants to be~~(i.e., not in a landfill!)

        Getting ready for understanding, which overcomes fear....

   because hopefully they will want to come to your yard!


Books, Suggestions, and Lesson Plans for Teachers and Other Learners:  A Cumulative List

Aids for Teachers and other Learning adults: 


  • Eggs  by Marilyn Singer, illustrated in layers of gouache on watercolor paper by Emma Stevenson | see Poetry suggestion below
  • Field Guide to the Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, 2nd Edition  by Paul J. Baicich and Colin J.O. Harrison, illustrated in watercolor, line drawings and photographs by Dr. Philip Burton, Andrew Burton, F. Greenaway, Clark Sumida, and Ms. Terry O'Nele
  • The Thing About Bees : A Love Letter by Shabazz Larkin, and illustrated by the author with hand-lettering and watercolor  |  A LOVE POEM FROM A FATHER TO HIS TWO SONS, AND A TRIBUTE TO THE BEES THAT POLLINATE THE FOODS WE LOVE TO EAT. |  The Thing About Bees May 2021 Lesson Plan.pdf  | 

Crafty with Crafts:  

     Food:  The Origin Stories

    • PB&J Hooray! by Janet Nolan, illustrated after eating her very first PB&J by Julia Patton  |  March Lesson Plan 2022.pdf  |
    Helpful Read-Aloud: |   
    How flour is made: |   |  
    How bread is handmade (use first 5 minutes)  |  
    How bread is commercially made:    |  
    How Peanut Butter is made:                                                                            How Peanuts Grow:

    Gardening Literature Resources: 

    • Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals, enchantingly illustrated using gouache and collage by Ashley Wolff  |  
    • Honeybee :  A Day in the Life of Apis mellifera  an award winning book by Candace Fleming, illustrated by Eric Rohmann and featuring a 38 inch centerfold spread  | read aloud:
    • What's Sprouting in My Trash?  A Book About Composting  by Esther Porter, illustrated with great photos by the author  |

    History Stories:
    • Who's Haunting the White House?  The President's Mansion and the Ghosts Who LIve There  by Jeff Belanger, Illustrated by Don Tate  | J. Belanger's TED talk: |  |  from White House History Weekly, a video: 


    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle book resources: 

    • Reuse The Old Red Rocking Chair by Phyllis Root, illustrated by John Sandford

      People and the Environment:

      • Lincoln Clears a Path: Abraham Lincoln's Agricultural Legacy  by Peggy Thomas, illustrated in sepia watercolor by Stacy Innerst   | February 22 Lesson Plan - Abe.pdf

      Poetry Resources: 

      • (see Animals:  The Thing About Bees

      South Carolina History and Culture Stories:

      Weather and Seasons Resources:



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      Columbia, SC 29201-3066


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