The Western Section of EEASC is happy to invite all EEASC members and their friends a families to a private planetarium show at the Roper Mountain Science Center!

This event will include:
1. Live Sky Talk - Show some current constellations, moons, planets (if applicable)
2. Feature Film - Habitat Earth: Living networks connect and support life forms large and small-from colonies of tiny microbes and populations of massive whales to ever-expanding human societies. In the California Academy of Sciences' latest original planetarium show, Habitat Earth, discover what it means to live in today's connected world. Through stunning visualizations of the natural world, dive below the ocean's surface to explore the dynamic relationships found in kelp forest ecosystems, travel beneath the forest floor to see how Earth's tallest trees rely on tiny fungi to survive, and journey to new heights to witness the intricate intersection between human and ecological networks.
3. Finale - Virtual Mars Roller Coaster
Afterwards (6:30-7:30), we hope that you will all join us for food, drinks, and fun at Local Cue which is just a 10 minute drive from the science center.
This event is great for children ages 5 and up
FREE for EEASC members, $3 for guests (food and drinks at Local Cue not included)
Roper Mountain Science Center
402 Roper Mountain Rd
Greenville, SC 29615
Local Cue
30 Orchard Park Dr Suite 7
Greenville, SC 29615
Please arrive by 5:15 to allow yourself time to park. The planetarium show will begin promptly at 5:30PM.
If you are a member make sure you are logged in before registering so that you are not charged for the event. Registration for the gathering at Local Cue is separate from the planetarium show. So please let us know if you plan to join us as we will need to reserve enough space for everyone.