Silent Auction - Call for Contributions
In 2024, USC Upstate will host EEASC's Annual Conference June 20-22 in Spartanburg, SC. As part of the conference, there will be a silent auction, with all proceeds going to support the mission and programs of EEASC. Please consider donating an item and/or working with local artisans, businesses, and other entities to solicit additional contributions to this year’s silent auction effort. Items can be artwork, jewelry, clothing, educational resources, environmental experiences, gift cards, etc.! If you are interested, please fill out the form below with the description(s) of the item(s). You can either a) bring your item(s) to the conference or b) arrange a drop-off with one of our board members. All donations to the auction are tax deductible. Auction Donation Form
For your convenience, here is a draft letter you can share with your contacts to solicit contributions to the silent auction. Donation Letter |